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Motion: African Challenge Scotland STEM Ambassadors

Motion: S6M-00244

African Challenge Scotland STEM Ambassadors

That the Parliament congratulates African Challenge Scotland on its efforts in supporting young people’s education in 2021; understands that its project, North Glasgow Innovation Strive, offered assistance to BAME pupils across Glasgow through a free virtual homework help club covering STEM subjects and English; notes that 275 young people aged between six and 18 received support from January to April 2021; understands that the project was supported through funding from Glasgow City Council’s Communities Fund; highlights the contributions made by all the STEM ambassadors, including Teddy Shalom Tchoudja, Olivia DeWilliams Kelassa, Grace Gangan, Kasturi Sukhapure, Erusa Adizie, Taylor McKeown, Elodie Gaelle Ngameni, Lyne Mkoh, Gervais Tobie Hameni and Yvan Mbadjou; welcomes the contribution of Aileen Hamilton of SSERC Ltd, which operates the STEM Ambassador Hub in Scotland for the partnership work, and acknowledges African Challenge Scotland's founder, Ronier Deumeni, who helped establish and coordinate the programme.